Day 12- 2016 National Park Tour: San Juan National Forest

*No Pictures Note: When transferring ALL my pictures from my camera to my external hard drive, something went wrong and MOST of my pictures are gone :( Pictures will be back in future posts!

Saturday July 16, 2016

Chose today to stay put. The kids have been doing great, but a little down time and NO car time sounded lovely. The San Juan National Forest seemed like the place to settle in for an extra day.

While visiting the cat-hole in the morning, I was greeted by an angry squirrel who came from a few trees behind me, yelling the whole time. It made me laugh and I apologized for being in it's space so early in the morning.

We set up a space to eat and play games and then the kids were allowed to just run and play. They found sticks, rocks, and pine cones on the ground and set up a garage sale. At one point, Pumpkin asked to go to her fort at the front of the site by the road, but when I asked her what she was doing, she said she was standing at the road with a sign she made for a 'Gorog Sal' (garage sale) so people driving by would come buy their items. Sadly, I nixed this plan.

I was looking forward to not seeing other people and just being with my kids. We got comfortable enough that we allowed the sun to see places on our bodies that usually doesn't get any, but then I worried about company... like the ATV riders who came through, so we got a touch less comfortable.

We played Mexican Train Dominoes, Skip-Bo, catch with our baseball gloves, and colored in the sun. In the evening, Pumpkin was dying to make a walking stick. We took a short walk and found a felled tree, perfectly straight, and long enough for me. We pulled out grandpa's handy saw, trimmed the branches, and Pumpkin dragged the stick back to camp. Both kids took a turn practicing with the saw with help and were super proud of themselves to be able to do so.

Pumpkin got concerned about a cat-hole so we made one a ways from camp and marked the path with sticks. This was amazing for the kids to handle the bathroom issue without me!

Dinner was an interesting mix of strawberry jelly, chocolate hazelnut spread, tortillas, and Whisps (parmesan cheese crisps). I loved the idea of the kids making dinner, the execution needs some work!

It was a lovely day.
